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Crashes with tractor trailers have catastrophic consequences for others on the road
Semi-tractor trailers are to cars, trucks, and SUVs like those smaller vehicles are to pedestrians. In an accident of a semi vs. almost any other type of vehicle, the semi will do much more damage than it, and its passengers, would receive. These trucks take longer to correct if they’re on a disastrous path, as well. Their drivers have to be extremely careful and focused at all times behind their wheels. Therefore, when truck drivers drive recklessly, negligently, distractedly, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the effects can be devastating. These can be complex claims, as not all injury accidents clearly or easily reveal the singular at-fault party. It can be a combination of factors that lead to an accident. If you have been involved in a wreck with a tractor trailer, you're likely full of questions about how to receive compensation for your losses. Click to learn more.
Negotiating a claim after a drunk truck driver hit you is often too challenging for accident victims
18,000 pounds of metal speeding down the highway with a drunk driver is an unconscionably dangerous scenario, and yet it is not unheard of on Whatcom or Skagit County roads. If a drunk commercial truck driver hit you on any road in Washington, you need skilled representation fast. It is highly likely you’re facing the aftermath of a deadly, catastrophic wreck and you should not do so alone. Focus on rebuilding your life and do not attempt to negotiate with the trucking company responsible for this devastation. Most accidents that occur between a commercial truck, or semi-tractor trailer, and another vehicle are complex. The trucking companies involve multiple parties, and have a vested interest in avoiding paying high settlements. So what do you do if you've been in an accident with a drunk commercial truck driver?
With long hours, sometimes truck drivers fall asleep at the wheel with devastating consequences
Commercial truck drivers have increasing pressures on them to maintain a strict schedule. With the increase in shipping needs of consumers, trucks have felt the demand to make shipments in good time. Sometimes this pressure means marathon driving sessions. If you’ve been behind the wheel on interstate roads for long periods without break, you might be able to relate. Fatigued driving means the driver feels worn out and unfocused, and may even fall asleep behind the wheel. It happens with enough frequency on Washington roads that there are rules on how long trucks are able to be on the road. These rules are established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which enforces what are called Hours of Service regulations. These rules govern when a truck driver may operate a commercial truck, and for how long. If a trucker or the company who hires him or her doesn’t comply with these rules, and an accident results from this negligence – regardless of the outside pressures on the driver – he or she may be held liable for damages. If a fatigued truck driver hit you, click here for more information.
Semi-tractor trailers have multiple blind spots and "no zones"
Truck accidents that involve negligence can cost commercial trucking companies millions of dollars in liability, and they know it. These kinds of accidents can be complex, and the companies have resources to put on these cases, and fight them tooth and nail. If you’ve been involved in an accident with a semi-truck trailer, you have options for how to best approach what happens next. The trucking company, rest assured, will have a team of lawyers backing them. What about you?
The challenges of a wrongful death claim against a trucking company
A vehicle accident is scary, frightening, and awful. When that wreck results in the death of your loved one, it is one of the hardest things in life to go through. If it’s because of a truck driver or company’s negligence, it’s unconscionable. While you might want to file a lawsuit against the responsible parties, the thought of that might feel insurmountably difficult. You know it will be a long, uphill battle, and will take lot of mental and emotional preparation. Truck companies can be ruthless in dealing with accident victims, and will be trying to discredit you or simply fluster and frustrate you when you’re grieving, and just trying to stay afloat after a loved one’s death. Is your best option to simply take what the trucking company offers you in a wrongful death claim?
When a truck's trailer becomes a runaway, collisions can be devastating
If you’ve spent any time traveling along Washington mountain highways, you have most likely noticed them: runaway truck ramps. These are provided for trucks that get into a very scary situation: when the trailer begins to go faster than the tractor to which it’s attached. Situations like this are extremely volatile, and all it takes is seconds for catastrophe to occur. Trailers can become detached, and will take out all that’s in front of it until it comes to rest. Imagine more than 80,000 pounds barreling at you. Assuming you can survive being in its path, you will have experienced a terribly traumatizing event, not to mention the property damage that resulted. These are some of the most horrific kinds of wrecks one can imagine. For more information on commercial trucks and runaway trailer accidents click here.
Certain vehicles have a higher likelihood of rollover
The higher the center of gravity, the higher the likelihood that a vehicle will rollover. Accidents and sudden turns can sometimes prove to be too much for trucks and SUVs to handle, which can result in one of the scarier – and deadlier – kinds of crashes. If a vehicle rolls, common results are that occupants are ejected and/or the roof is crushed. Catastrophic injuries may occur such as multiple fractures, back or spinal cord injuries, or traumatic brain injuries. And in the worst case scenarios, fatalities may result. For more info on rollover crashes, factors that contribute to rollovers, and what to do, click here.