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Before you settle your insurance claim, make sure you're not derailing your chances by not breaking this rule
It's called the Hamilton Rule, and if you don't factor it into your uninsured/underinsured motorist protection policy negotiations, you might put at risk getting any money from your claim. Click to read more by personal injury lawyer Bill Coats in Bellingham, Washington, and watch a video on the Hamilton Rule.
This story is so much better than when my husband told me last week, "The mice keep building nests in here," while we were in our car, hurtling down an interstate highway at 70 mph and I had no choice but to stay inside the vehicle. If you think that kittens > lots and lots of swarming mice, then you're in for a treat!
Distracted driving statistics are depressing. As we well know, people are using their smartphones for far more than just texting these days. New studies come out every other week, and there are reports of death- or serious-injury-by-cell phone every day.
Twelve considerations when searching for a personal injury attorney
Personal injury attorneys have a list of special considerations to make in every case they take on. Here are twelve things to consider when you are searching for a lawyer to help you with your claim.
Ah, the majestic deer. So proud, so noble. So prone to running directly in front of your car in pursuit of some hot tail while you’re doing 70 on the interstate.
Yes, it’s that magical time of year again: the deer rut. Could there be a more repulsive term than “rut”? Maybe “moist rut”? I just threw up. The point is, all of the other animals that I haven’t written about simply call it “mating season” (I mean, I assume?), but nasty-ass slutty deer call it “the rut.” Gross, deer.
There is a new kind of insurance coverage that is made just for low-mileage drivers. With per-mile insurance, you pay a low monthly base rate plus a few cents per mile when you drive. At the end of the month, your bill is your base rate plus how many miles you drove at your per-mile rate. This revolutionary new kind of insurance is becoming wildly popular with drivers who typically drive less than 10,000 miles a year.
I think jokes about dads being inept caregivers are kind of dumb in general, but I guess dads are statistically more likely to own remote-controlled cars, so the joke is probably apt in this case. I can theoretically see how this video of a baby being dragged around in his Bumbo seat by a toy pickup truck is funny, but as a fun-hating safety freak, I couldn't breathe while watching it. Somebody give this baby a helmet, please.
Drunken driving deaths are down, way down: Like 28 percent down since 2005. But distracted driving deaths are up. Like 650 percent up over the same period.
Of course, some of that can be explained because virtually no one had a smartphone 10 years ago. But the numbers are still startling.