Teacher warns young drivers about texting

Drunken driving deaths are down, way down: Like 28 percent down since 2005. But distracted driving deaths are up. Like 650 percent up over the same period.
Of course, some of that can be explained because virtually no one had a smartphone 10 years ago. But the numbers are still startling.
Officials at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New Hyde Park, estimate more than 3,000 teens were killed last year while texting. And you can add 300,000 injuries to that list. In fact, texting while driving is considered to be six times more dangerous than driving drunk.
And Charlie LaVerdi, owner of the Plaza Auto Driving School in Monroe, thinks he knows why.
“A fast-moving car is like a weapon,” says Charlie. “You can kill yourself, your passengers and other drivers very easily if you are not paying attention.”
“So drivers – especially younger drivers – need to pay attention,” he says. “And when you are texting or talking on the phone, you’re definitely not paying attention.”
Read more at Times Herald-Record
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