'If Car Commercials Were Honest' is hilarious and depressing (VIDEO)

Tackling everything from your likelihood of being taken advantage of by a professional negotiator to the fact that you're being sold a giant machine that you learned how to use when you were 15, the newest installment of Cracked's Honest Ads is very funny because it's true. It's also pretty depressing, also because it's true. "If Car Commercials Were Honest" features a smarmy salesman telling you what we all know to be true about buying a car, but we can't do anything about it because, well, most of us need a car. Watch and be sad about all of the money you're losing in order to buy something that might kill you.  "Rest assured, we made a guy who sort of looks like you out of materials you're not made of and practiced beating the hell out of him a bunch of times."   

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