Raging flood waters sweep Jeep away in New Braunfels, Texas (VIDEO)

This is why you avoid flood waters at all costs. In a video taken at Jerry's Rentals and Outfitter outside New Braunfels, Texas, we see a Jeep go from being parked in relatively shallow water to being rolled over like a toy in the swollen Guadalupe River. 

Kim Jacobs posted the footage on Facebook, reminding people just how seriously you should heed flood warnings, saying,

"This is just how fast and dangerous the canyon can be. It just happened literally 5 minutes ago. A guy wanted to check his tent, so he parked his jeep and waded across the bridge when it was just starting to run and only knee deep. (After being told not to and that the canyon was going to flood.) All at once a huge wall of water came and the video shows the result. We went down into the campgrounds to tell him his Jeep was being washed away. He came and sat on the tiers in front of our house to watch it go."

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