Metra transit train strikes unmarked police car stuck in snow in Round Lake Park, Illinois

Modified Date: 
Tue, 05/05/2015 - 3:49pm
Accident Date: 
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Officer Escapes Injury When Metra Train Strikes Squad Car.

A Lake County Sheriff’s detective escaped his unmarked squad car before it was struck by a Metra train Monday night after getting stuck in the snow.
A Lake County Sheriff’s detective escaped his unmarked squad car before it was struck by a Metra train Monday night after getting stuck in the snow. The incident occurred around 10:20 p.m. when the officer, driving a black 2002 Honda Accord, swerved to avoid a van that made an abrupt turn in Round Lake Park, a statement from the sheriff’s office said. The white conversion van was in front of the squad westbound on Route 134 when it suddenly turned onto Porter Road just as the gates activated. The officer slammed on his brakes and swerved right to avoid the van, the statement said. The squad car ended up stuck in the snow near the railroad tracks just as the gates went down. The detective exited the vehicle before the train struck the squad, the sheriff’s office said. There were passengers on the train, but no injuries were reported.
State Route 134

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