April Dawn Stillwell, 17, killed; Shane Swiney, 22, injured in ATV crash near Barb Hollow Road in Walland, Tennessee
Walland teen killed, Maryville man injured in ATV accident
“She knew everything about me and I knew everything about her. We were together like everyday pretty much. When I moved it was hard for the both of us. I knew all her secrets and she knew all mine,” best friend Ashlei Phelps said.

BCSO identifies teen killed in ATV crash
Marion O'Briant, Blount County Sheriff's Office PIO, said a man was also injured in the crash on Barb Hallow Road in Walland.
Shane Swiney was driving the ATV Monday night when he missed a left curve on a private trail off Barb Hollow Road and went airborne, striking several trees before the ATV landed at the bottom of a hill. Swiney and his passenger, April Dawn Stillwell, were thrown from the ATV. Stillwell died at the scene, while Swiney was taken to an area hospital by Rural/Metro with non-life-threatening injuries. Neither rider was wearing a helmet.
Why every fatality from a crash is not legally a wrongful death
After someone dies in a motor-vehicle accident, grieving family members and friends are often left with many questions. What caused the accident? Could it have been avoided? What do they do now that their loved one is gone?
Sometimes a fatal collision happens through no one's fault. Crashes caused by weather and road conditions, or by wildlife in the roadway, are examples. But when a fatal crash is caused by negligence, then family members should pursue a wrongful death claim, to uphold the victim's rights and begin the financial recovery process. Learn more about wrongful death claims here.
Shane was driving wreckless
The night that shane put
Its been six years since
So sorry that your daughter
Thank you for your words of
Careless driving showing off
How did shane get by with
He knew her parents did not
I wont give up until the
I know people forget after a
Maybe some day shane will
Did shane keep april on the
I see you are having fun
The district attorney of
Hello from DC,This story
Hello from DC,
This story really moved me to hear of how this tragedy occured and then to learn of the aftermath from the comments below I think its plain that justice has been denied on this young girl and her family at so many levels.
Now ive heard stories of judicial corruption/incompetence around, but this just boggles the mind how no one was charged in this slam dunk case.
That fool should stop antangonizing his victims. We deal with such people all the time up here. He would not dare brag and race around after killing a young girl like that over here
Thank you east coaster i will
Unbelievable injustice was
Yes itwas injustice and
Another christmas without my
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