Biker toddler has first run-in with the law: Canadian police give 3-year-old pretend parking ticket

Our neighbors to the north aren't messing around: 3-year-old Declan Tramley thought he could get away with it all, but he was wrong. He was so, so wrong. The toddler parked his red plastic motorcycle with reckless abandon next to some real motorcycles in a no-parking zone near the ferry terminal in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and he felt the hammer of the law come down on him. Apparently Constable Shawn Currie was in a weird mood when he decided to write the little boy a "parking ticket" upon seeing the tyke leave his hog in the wrong place, and I'm so glad he was because this photo Declan's father took is hilarious. The boy's parents sent it in to Halifax Regional Police, who promptly shared it on social media: Halifax police parking ticket According to his mom, Declan loves his pretend parking ticket so much that he sleeps with it now.     


This picture and the story with it makes me want to leave Connecticut and move to Canada. If everyone there is as nice as this officer, it must be Heaven living there. Great job, Officer. Funny child, too. He has the express that an adult would have after getting a ticket.

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