BLOOD! RIVER OF BLOOOOOD! Just kidding it's a road full of Skittles

(Photo: Dodge County Sheriff's Office)
The scene was grim. The Wisconsin highway was covered in a thick, dark red substance as far as the eye could see. The air was thick with the smell It was Skittles. WTF.
On Tuesday, January 17th, a box of red skittles fell off of a flatbed truck near Beaver Dam in Dodge County. The Skittles, having been deemed not up to par for packaging, were intended to be cattle feed (huh). As the dextrose and red dye oozed and spread in the rain, the highway was turned into a nightmarish scene of gore, by which I mean melted Skittles. It's just melted Skittles.
The Dodge County Sheriff's Department posted to Facebook about the incident about how they cracked the case.
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