Eureka, CA - Accident News and Resources including car, bicycle, motorcycle and truck accidents and much more.
Eureka - "Where you Sit and Rest" in Humboldt County
Eureka is the largest coastal city between San Francisco and Portland, and the westernmost city of more than 25,000 residents in the 48 contiguous states. Historically the Wiyot tribe lived in Jaroujiji (present day Eureka), meaning "where you sit and rest." It is the regional center for government, health care, trade, and the arts on the North Coast north of the San Francisco Bay Area. Greater Eureka, one of California's major commercial fishing ports, is the location of the largest deep water port between San Francisco and Coos Bay, a stretch of about 500 miles. Eureka's Mediterranean climate is characterized by mild, rainy winters and cool, dry summers, with an average temperature of 53 °F. The city's measurable precipitation for the area falls on an average of 119 days each year which is noteworthy for drving conditions. To get up-to-date road information, go to the California DOT and to find out current weather conditions in Eureka, go to
Links to accidents that occur in the Eureka area
Here is information on the most recent accidents in the Eureka:
- Eureka car accidents
- Eureka motorcycle accidents
- Eureka aircraft accidents
- Eureka pedestrian accidents
If you are looking for information on a specific crash that happened in Eureka, go to the link above for the accident type you are seeking.
Eureka Community Safety Resources:
Complete Streets Advocate supports local safe mulit-modal transportation. Redwood Region Motorcycle Training teaches riding techniques and helps develop safety awareness on the roadways.
Eureka legal information for accident victims
When injury or death is the result of a motor-vehicle crash in Eureka, many decisions need to be made immediately and questions need to be answered. For example, how much of the medical costs will be covered by the insurance policy? How does PIP insurance help with medical bills immediately? What if the at-fault driver has no insurance?