Nickolas Alderfer, 25, dies in fiery rollover on I-80/94 in Gary, Indiana
Camioneta Se Da Varias Vueltas En El Aire, Se Prende Fuego(link is external)
Testigos les dijieron a las autoridades del estado de Indiana que una camioneta Ford estaba manejando imprudentemente a una alta velocidad en los carrilles hacia el este de los interstatales 80 y 94 alrededor de la 1 de la manana el pasado 30 de Octubre.
After an injury car accident, take these steps to help the recovery process
When someone has been injured in a car crash, it's hard to know what to do to help. Injured people need appropriate medial treatment, but they also need to have their civil and legal rights protected.
After a serious crash, several steps need to be taken, including dealing with the insurance companies, tracking and documenting lost income from missed work, coordinating medical bill payments, and handling an insurance claim.
Go here for information on the best way to handle these issues following an injury car accident.
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