Complete New Hampshire accident reports and news.

When someone is injured in an accident in New Hampshire, it is important to gather information about what happens next.

Being injured in a serious accident is always a shocking and scary experience, and dealing with the aftermath is exhausting and stressful. Accident victims are forced to deal with hospitalization, medical treatments, missed work, and lost income, often while trying to manage pain and disability from their injuries. And then the insurance adjusters start circling. Find out more about accidents and what issues an injured person needs to be aware of by going to this link.

Legal and Other Resources and Information

New Hampshire Department of Transportation(link is external)

Transportation excellence in New Hampshire is fundamental to the state's sustainable economic development and land use, enhancing the environment, and preserving the unique character and quality of life. The Department will provide safe and secure mobility and travel options for all of the state's residents, visitors, and goods movement, through a transportation system and services that are well maintained, efficient, reliable, and provide seamless interstate and intrastate connectivity.

NHBA-Free Legal Services (link is external)

If you are low-income and need a lawyer, the Pro Bono Referral Program may be able to help. Pro Bono links people with incomes at or below 187.5% of federal poverty guidelines with volunteer attorneys who provide representation at no charge.  Pro Bono attorneys only handle civil (non-criminal) cases. The types of legal accepted include: custody, divorce, bankruptcy, debt collection, landlord-tenant matters and other non-fee-generating matters. 

UNH-University of New Hampshire School of Law (link is external)

The University of New Hampshire School of Law, an intimate, innovative law school, is committed to developing students who enjoy challenging dialogue from the first moments of orientation, embrace practice-based learning, grow through the collegiality of a 12:1 student/faculty ratio, and stand ready to join the ranks of alumni who are global leaders in intellectual property, general practice, public policy, and commerce and technology.

New Hampshire Bar Association(link is external)

New Hampshire's Bar Association exists to serve the members by connecting them with services, programs and resources necessary to function effectively as members of the profession; to serve the public by connecting members with the information and opportunities needed to carry out their public service obligations;  to serve the justice system by speaking and acting as the unified voice of the profession to facilitate promotion and improvement of the procedures and institutions of the law;  and to serve the profession by upholding the unique and valuable role of lawyers as independent counselors and advocates helping to preserve a civilized society governed by rule of law.

Most recent accident reports