School bus with 9 disabled kids gets stuck in sinkhole in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York

Modified Date: 
Wed, 03/29/2017 - 7:24pm
Accident Date: 
Monday, February 24, 2014

That sinking feeling: School bus carrying nine students with disabilities gets stuck in massive sinkhole in Washington Heights.

A school bus carrying nine students with disabilities got stuck in a massive sinkhole in Washington Heights that residents say has been wreaking havoc on cars for years.

A school bus carrying nine students with disabilities got stuck in a massive sinkhole in Washington Heights that residents say has been wreaking havoc on cars for years. Nobody was injured in the accident, which occurred on W. 164th St. between Broadway and St. Nicholas Ave. after a water main ruptured, an Education Department spokeswoman said. A witness saw the bus moments after the sinkhole devoured the left rear wheels of the 10,000-pound vehicle around 8 a.m. Tuesday. “He (the driver) couldn’t move. All of the kids were on the bus,” said Rivera, adding the sinkhole that swallowed the rear of the bus had been victimizing vehicles for years. “It has been there for so long,” she said. “It happens to many cars. I saw a car lose a tire in there.” Four aides were also on the bus, which was traveling to P138M at Junior High School 47 on E. 23rd St. and P226M at on E. 15th St., the spokeswoman said. The bus was towed and a replacement was sent to transport the students and aides. A city Department of Environmental Protection spokeswoman said that after mending the 12-inch water main and making temporary fixes to the street Tuesday morning, a crew intended to return in that night to make permanent repairs.


Type: Bus Accident

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