Jannese Arreguin, 19, injured when Ramon G. Reynoso, 21, runs stop sign outside of Ellensburg, Washington

Modified Date: 
Thu, 03/03/2016 - 8:16am
Accident Date: 
Sunday, September 7, 2014

California driver injures Grandview passenger in crash near Ellensburg

The collision was caused by Reynoso failing to stop at the stop sign, the State Patrol said. The report recommended charges against the man for third-degree driving with a suspended license and for failing to stop at the sign.


Ramon G. Reynoso, 21, of Lapuente, Calif. driving with a suspended license crashed into Paul Boguslawski's pickup Sunday morning when he failed to stop at a stop sign outside Ellensburg. Boguslawski, 43, of Ellensburg was driving south on Cleman Road when Reynoso failed to stop at a stop sign and ran into the passenger side of Boguslawski’s 2003 Ford F-350 pickup. Both vehicles were totaled. Boguslawski’s passenger, 19-year-old Jannese Arreguin of Grandview, was taken to KVH Hospital in Ellensburg. Arreguin was admitted and was in good condition. Boguslawski was not seriously injured. Learn more here about the nature of and issues surrounding personal injury and insurance claims.

Type: Car Accident
People Involved: 
Jannese Arreguin
Ramon G. Reynoso
Paul Boguslawski
Cleman Road

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