In Georgia: Bill To Reduce ‘Speed Traps’ Gains Senate Approval

I remeber Socorro, New Mexico was the worst speed trap that would catch unsuspecting drivers who tried to abide by the 75-mile-per-hour.  On a downhill slope at a close to 90 degree angle this was nearly impossible as the car woud easily hit 90.  Right at the bottom just hidden from view there the police awaited...But who knew there were laws to prevent the abuse of this practice.

'There could soon be fewer speed traps in Georgia.  Bill SB 134, passed in the state Senate on Monday, seeks to crack down on police departments that are only out to make money, rather than pulling people over for safety reasons. Right now, it’s illegal for police departments to get more than 40 percent of their revenue from speeding fines. But departments don’t have to count speeding tickets that exceed 17 mph toward that percentage. 

‘‘This will encourage truth in ticketing and eliminate speed traps.’’

Sen. Jesse Stone, R-Waynesboro, says his bill changes that. He says all tickets would be counted under his legislation. “This will encourage truth in ticketing and eliminate speed traps,” says Stone.'-- 

Read more at 90.1 WABE FM

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