Tostitos 'Party Safe' bag doubles as a breathalyzer - but not really, so don't use it for that

Just in time for the Super Bowl, Tostitos is releasing a limited-edition "Party Safe" bag that can detect if you have alcohol on your breath when you blow into the bag. If a light at the bottom of the bag turns green, no alcohol is detected, but keep in mind that it's a chip bag. If the bag does detect alcohol, the light flashes red and displays a "don’t drink and drive" message along the bottom. To quote the Lawrence, Kansas Sheriff's Department, "If you have to blow into a Tostitos bag to know if you’re intoxicated, for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT DRIVE."

I want to reiterate here that we're talking about a chip bag. 

Jennifer Saenz, Chief marketing officer for Frito-Lay, owner of Tostitos, told USA Today, "We wanted to make sure that as people were celebrating, they were also partying responsibly. We thought it was an opportunity to begin a conversation with consumers about drinking and driving, and about responsibility, in a really fun and engaging way." The bag is not actually a breathalyzer. It's a chip bag. 

But she has a point. I can see college-age men having a great time drinking some brewskies, high-fiving each other, eating some Tositos and salsa, and topping it all off with a fun round of "blow into the chip bag" right before they try to figure out a way to make the chip bag into a bong. But along the way they will almost certainly discuss drunk driving, at least in the abstract, and that is a lot more than we can usually hope to expect. 

Let's be honest: people are going to drink while they watch the Super Bowl, and they're maybe going to find it hilarious to make some sort of apparatus out of a chip bag, so they may as well do so while there's a chance they can get a free Uber ride instead of driving their inebriated selves. In fact, Tostitos is partnering with Uber and MADD to give away 25,000 free rides (up to $10 value) to drunk people after they're done with their chip bag bong. To redeem, make sure you get the UPC code off of the chip bag before you do something weird to it. 

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