Woman bitten 3 times by copperhead snake at Virginia restaurant

Ambulance in city street

File under: Nope. See also: Why I Can Never Live in the South. 

When she felt a sharp pain on her foot after walking into a Spotsylvania County LongHorn Steakhouse, Rachel Myrick assumed she'd been stung by a bee and tried to brush it off. But soon, as she told the The Free Lance-Star, the pain turned excrutiating. 

“I had my fingers under my foot and that’s when I felt something moving,” said Myrick, who realized been bitten twice on her toes and once on the side of her foot by a roughly 8-inch-long baby copperhead snake. Somehow the reptile had managed to get inside the restaurant's foyer and apparently didn't like the looks of the real estate agent's sandal-clad feet. 

After the snake was killed and medics arrived, Myrick was brought to the hospital for observation. She wound up having antivenin administered after swelling became severe, reaching as far as her hip. She was also given morphine and benadryl for pain, and is expected to recover over the next three months.

Her family's meals were comped by LongHorn Steakhouse, which feels...somehow inadquate, but a nice gesture nonetheless. 


Doesn't anyone find it odd that the reporter is commenting about the snake "didn't like the looks of the real estate agents ....feet?" Since when do snakes discriminate on the looks of someone's feet? Ugly feet? I am sorry for the victim but I don't believe the snake was upset about the looks of her feet. 

Why did the snake have to die?


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