Travis Butts, 38, Brett Chapman, 32, and Blaine Chapman, 7, killed in multi-vehicle crash at East 120th Avenue and Colorado Boulevard in Thornton, Colorado

Modified Date: 
Thu, 05/20/2021 - 7:34am
Accident Date: 
Saturday, March 6, 2021

3 die in crash at 120th and Colorado Boulevard in Thornton

Five vehicles were involved in the crash at 1:30 a.m., said a police spokesman. There were no other serious injuries, the spokesman said.

Thornton Crash That Killed Father & Son Caused By Driver With BAC Four Times The Legal Limit

Toxicology results later determined Butts had a .380 blood alcohol concentration, more than four times the legal limit.

Type: Car Accident
People Involved: 
Travis Butts
Brett Chapman
Blaine Chapman
Denver, CO

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