Daniel Nagorski, 38, and Oliwia Bones, 19, arrested after crashing head-on in game of 'chicken' on Kennedy Drive in Orange, Connecticut

Modified Date: 
Sat, 12/12/2015 - 12:55pm
Accident Date: 
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Police: 2 drivers playing chicken collide head-on

Police say that in the game of chicken, the two vehicles drive toward each other on the same path of travel, until one of them swerves to avoid contact. The driver to swerve first is labeled the ‘chicken.’ In this incident, police say both vehicles swerved in the same direction, striking each other head-on. Both drivers were arrested. Police had Nagorski perform a roadside sobriety test. He is charged with DUI, operating a motor vehicle while under suspension, reckless driving, failure to drive in proper lane, and failure to provide an insurance card. Bones is charged with reckless driving and failure to drive in proper lane.
People Involved: 
Daniel Nagorski
Oliwia Bones
Kennedy Drive
Orange, CT

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