Complete North Charleston, SC accident reports and news.


Accidents in North Charleston result in serious injuries and deaths each year

After a North Charleston crash, injured people and their families need resources and support. Regardless of the severity of the collision, the people involved are left to deal with injuries, medical bills, property damage, and insurance claims. When a North Charleston accident is fatal, families are left to struggle with their grief and loss as best they can.

Here are resources to help accident victims and their families after a North Charleston wreck

Regardless of whether it is a car accident, pedestrian accident, motorcycle crash, bicycle collision, truck accident, or any other kind of injury accident, the following resources can be helpful for crash victims and their families and friends.

North Charleston (link is external)Police Department(link is external);

North Charleston (link is external)Fire & Rescue Department(link is external);

Charleston County Sheriff’s Office(link is external);

North Charleston major hospitals include Trident Medical Center(link is external);

North Charleston (link is external)Municipal Court(link is external);

Charleston County Superior Court(link is external);

South Carolina State Insurance Commissioner(link is external) site.

How do you deal with an insurance claim after a North Charleston accident?

Regardless of how severe an accident is, almost everyone involved has to deal with insurance companies and claims. For accidents with very minor injuries and damage, a claim can sometimes be handled by working with the insurance adjuster. For crashes involving more serious injuries, or when a fatal crash occurs, a North Charleston personal injury attorney is needed to manage the insurance claim. Go here to learn more about how a North Charleston accident lawyer helps injured victims.


Most recent accident reports

Date Type
Thu, 01/19/2023 Car Accident Vehicular accident report on I-26 near Ashley Phosphate Road in North Charleston, South Carolina
Thu, 07/28/2022 Car Accident Jo’siah Fragier, 4, and his grandmother Debora Page, 62, both die and three others hospitalized after seven-vehicle pileup at Rivers Avenue and Cosgrove Avenue in North Charleston, South Carolina
Thu, 07/21/2022 Motorcycle Accident One motorcyclist dead after losing control and crashing, then getting struck by car that did not stop on I-26 in North Charleston, South Carolina
Sat, 10/30/2021 Train Accident Tiasia Newton, 22, Danielle Branton, 29, and Reshana Lambright, 32, killed when train strikes vehicle in North Charleston, South Carolina
Thu, 04/15/2021 Car Accident Sequoya Nicks, 38, and Robert Quarles, 69, killed in collision on Cosgrove Avenue in North Charleston, South Carolina
Thu, 04/08/2021 Motorcycle Accident Moped rider injured in collision with car on the North Bridge near Cosgrove Avenue in North Charleston, South Carolina
Tue, 03/02/2021 Pedestrian Accident Stephen Gross, 64, killed when struck by vehicle at Cosgrove Avenue and Lenape Street in North Charleston, South Carolina
Sun, 09/06/2020 Car Accident Berry Lance Davis, 37, killed in hit-and-run collision on I-26 in North Charleston, South Carolina
Sat, 02/08/2020 Car Accident Person killed when hit-and-run driver's vehicle strikes house on Attaway Street in North Charleston, South Carolina
Fri, 08/17/2018 Motorcycle Accident One person killed in motorcycle accident on Ingleside Boulevard in North Charleston, South Carolina
Mon, 07/02/2018 Truck Accident Rachel Silver, 25, killed in collision involving semi truck on Interstate 26 in North Charleston, South Carolina
Sun, 06/24/2018 Pedestrian Accident Pedestrian killed in collision with motorcycle at Ashley Phosphate Road and Stafford Drive in North Charleston, South Carolina
Sun, 05/27/2018 Pedestrian Accident Frank T. Ellis, 67, killed in pedestrian collision on Dorchester Road in North Charleston, South Carolina
Thu, 04/05/2018 Car Accident One person killed and four injured in wrong-way collision on I-526 in North Charleston, South Carolina
Tue, 03/20/2018 Pedestrian Accident Pedestrian Mary Glore, 57, killed in collision with commercial truck on Remount Road in North Charleston, South Carolina