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Information and resources related to Cedar Hill drunk driving accidents

Comprehensive Information and Legal Options for Cedar Hill, TX Drunk Driving Accident Victims

Crashes involving drunk or drugged drivers are a main cause of injuries and deaths in Cedar Hill and across Dallas County

Everyone knows that car crashes are common, and sometimes result in fatalities, but what is truly shocking is the statistics that show how common drunk and drugged driving accidents are. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, in 2016 there were 104 fatalities and a total of 2410 crashes caused by drunk drivers in Dallas County alone. Statewide, there were 986 fatalities from crashes involving drunk drivers. These are huge numbers to contemplate, and the economic cost to the crash victims, and to the government agencies responsible for responding to these collisions, runs in the billions of dollars per year.

What is the cost of car crashes to the government agencies in Texas?

According to the State of Texas Department of Transportation, the cost of motor vehicle accidents statewide was $38,600,000,000 in 2016. This is a staggering amount when you consider that in comparison, the annual cost to end world hunger is estimated to be $30,000,000,000. In this context, it is easy to see why Cedar Hill, Dallas County, and Texas government agencies work hard to improve safety and to reduce dangers on the region's roadways.

Teen drivers and their passengers are at greater risk of being injured or killed in drunk driving crashes in Cedar Hill

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2015, 2,333 teens in the United States ages 16–19 were killed and 221,313 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes in 2014.That means that six teens ages 16–19 died every day from motor vehicle injuries across the nation. According to MADD, teen drinking results in 4300 deaths per year nationwide. In Texas in 2016, 56 people died in crashes where the drunk driver was under the age of 21. These statistics clearly illustrate the scope of the problem of drunk driving collisions in Cedar Hill.

How can we reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities caused by drunk drivers in Cedar Hill and across Texas?

Texas became the 25th state to pass an all-offender ignition interlock law in 2015, which has resulted in drunk driving deaths being decreased by 8.5%. According to Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, Texas can improve its current drunk driving laws by allowing sobriety checkpoints and requiring ignition interlocks for any driver who refuses to do a chemical alcohol test.

Get information about Cedar Hill drunk driving accidents from the region's law enforcement agencies

After a serious collision with a drunk driver, contact the Cedar Hill Police Department, the Cedar Hill Fire and Rescue Department, the Dallas County Sheriff's Department, or the Texas Highway Patrol to get a copy of the collision report.

If you have been injured in a car collision with a drunk driver, you will need a great Cedar Hill accident attorney to help

No matter how much we eradicate dangerous driving behaviors like drunk driving, distracted driving, speeding, and other actions that put Addison drivers at risk, car accidents will continue to happen. When a less serious crash happens, often someone can manage the insurance claim without help. When a serious injury car accident happens, or when a fatality occurs, it is crucial to get help from an experienced Mullen & Mullen Law attorney

Most recent accident reports

Early Tuesday morning, a tragic single-vehicle collision claimed one life when a vehicle struck a bridge support pillar on Interstate 20 in south Fort Worth. The incident occurred around 4:40 a.m.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Interstate 20
Type: Car Accident


A tragic Christmas night accident claimed the lives of a 63-year-old man and his dog after they were struck by multiple vehicles on East University Drive in Dent

Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Denton, TX