Complete Washington accident reports and news.
When someone is injured in an accident in Washington, it is important to gather information about what happens next.
Being injured in a serious accident is always a shocking and scary experience, and dealing with the aftermath is exhausting and stressful. Accident victims are forced to deal with hospitalization, medical treatments, missed work, and lost income, often while trying to manage pain and disability from their injuries. And then the insurance adjusters start circling. Find out more about accidents and what issues an injured person needs to be aware of by going to this link.
Target Zero - Washington State Strategic Highway Safety Plan 2013
Washington State Strategic Highway Safety Plan's goal - of zero deaths and serious injuries in 2030 - is about the "one"...the individual. It's about the Washington State Trooper struck by a truck. It's about the child who went through the front window of a car because she wasn't buckled in. It's about the recent high school graduate who left the road and hit a tree. It's about our colleagues, friends and family. How many of them are we okay with being killed or seriously injured in a crash? The answer is obvious: zero. So our goal, for every citizen the state of Washington, is zero.
Accident reports by area
Legal and Other Resources and Information
Spokane, WA
Whitman County Public Works Department
The purpose of the Department of Public Works, is to provide those vital services the public depends upon, plowing snow, grading roads, building new roads and bridges, disposing of garbage, inspecting buildings, permitting new projects, planning for the future and budgeting for all of the above.
Spokane, WA
Whitman County Legal Services
Whitman County Legal Services Program is sponsored by the Whitman County Bar Association whose members serve as volunteers and advisors. The program is administered and supported by Community Action Center. The program serves people who are eligible for legal services according to federal Legal Services Corporation Guidelines. The program also provides information and referral services to Whitman County residents.
Spokane, WA
Whitman County District Court
Whitman County District Court hears proceedings involving criminal misdemeanors, traffic infractions, anti-harassment and domestic violence protection petitions, petitions for name change, small claims disputes and civil disputes where the amount claimed does not exceed $50,000. District Court also provides probation services to offenders convicted of misdemeanor crimes. The probation department is actively involved in monitoring and assisting convicted defendants in the performance of their court-ordered obligations.
Spokane, WA
Whitman County Superior Court
Whitman County Superior Court will actively manage the business of the court so as to provide the fair, prompt and understandable resolution of legal disputes. The court will provide access to justice for all citizens, and will treat participants professionally, impartially, and with respect.
Spokane, WA
Whitman County Prosecuting Attorney
The Prosecuting Attorney's Office prosecutes all criminal matters for the County, serve as legal advisor to County departments and officials, represent the County in lawsuits, helps determine restitution in appropriate criminal cases, and prosecutes all misdemeanors for cities and towns within the County. The office also administers the Child Support and Victim/Witness Assistance programs and Washington State paternity cases.
Spokane, WA
Whitman County Jail
Access this site to get your questions answered about the Whitman County Jail.
Spokane, WA
Whitman County Sheriff
The Whitman County Sheriff’s Office is committed to making Whitman County a safe place to live, work and raise families. The Whitman County Sheriff’s Office strives to enhance the quality of life within Whitman County by working together with area law enforcement agencies and the community at large.
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Whatcom County District Court
Washington State district and municipal courts may consider civil and criminal matters related to misdemeanor criminal cases, traffic, non-traffic, and parking infractions, domestic violence protection orders, civil actions of $75,000 or less, and small claims up to $5,000.
Most recent accident reports
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Accident Date:
Wed, 05/29/2024
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Accident Date:
Wed, 05/29/2024
Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Tue, 05/28/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Mon, 05/27/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Sat, 05/25/2024Portland, OR
Accident Date:
Fri, 05/24/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Fri, 05/24/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Thu, 05/23/2024Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Accident Date:
Thu, 05/23/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Wed, 05/22/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Sun, 05/19/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Sat, 05/18/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Thu, 05/16/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Tue, 05/14/2024Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA
Accident Date:
Sun, 05/12/2024