Rickey J. Mullar, 47, killed in pedestrian accident with hit-and-run driver Devin Scagnelli, 18, on Borden Road in Cheektowaga, New York

Modified Date: 
Fri, 05/08/2015 - 4:42pm
Accident Date: 
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cheektowaga man killed in hit-and-run incident

Berecz said no other charges have been filed against the 18-year-old, but said the investigation is in an early stage.

Teen jailed in fatal hit-and-run

Devin Scagnelli, 18, was remanded to the Erie County Holding Center in lieu of $100,000 bail by Cheektowaga Town Justice Paul S. Piotrowski today for the fatal hit-and-run incident on Borden Road in Depew that took the life of a Cheektowaga man Sunday morning. Scagnelli faces a likely grand jury indictment for vehicular manslaughter-related charges in the death of Rickey J. Mullar.
An 18-year-old man has been charged with leaving the scene of a crash that killed a 47-year-old man this morning on Borden Road in Cheektowaga. A car driven by the 18-year-old man struck the 47-year-old man from Cheektowaga at 7 a.m. as the victim was walking northbound along Borden Road in the fog line area. Police charged the suspect with leaving the scene of an accident with personal injury. The 18-year-old drove away from the crash, but he was pulled over about a mile away after an off-duty officer who was driving home witnessed the accident.
People Involved: 
Rickey J. Mullar
Devin Scagnelli
Borden Road


Dont give them a slap on the wrist , because when something like this happens they get away with it to easy. They need to bring back the death penalty now! Now this poor guy is dead, because of 18 yr old piss pots! They are not supposed to drink in the first place. If your tired stay home PERIOD!! Dont go out at all! The laws need to be more strict and obayed! My heart and soul go out to the family... If I were the family id go to the highest level to get justice for what they did. The worst part is they pulled over just to look at him and take off and leave!!! They need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law!!! Death penalty!!! Big Deal there going to charge him for leaving the scene of the acciident!!!!! Do more than that!!! Thats bullshit!!!!

Maybe you should check your facts before you go on a rampage because the article does not say the teen was tired or drunk.

Maybe you should fact check. The kid was drunk. And now a man is dead.

correction YOU should "fact check." WHERE DOES IT SAY HE WAS DRUNK ?

It came out after the arrest and in court.

I wasn't drunk

The death penalty for an 18 year old with no real criminal record? You're disgusting.

He was previously arrested this May for under age drinking and having an open alcohol container at a Beach Bar. This is not an innocent kid. He also had pot on him and a blood alcohol content of .04 which at 18 when the officer caught up to him and arrested him at gun point.

My blood alcohol content was .035

Anissa you need to make sure your information is correct before you put your ignorant, degenerate, 2 cents in. What exactly makes him a piss pot? Who ever said there was drinking involved? Picture yourself, 18 years old falling asleep at the wheel, awakening to such a tragic thing? What would be your first instinct?...think about that. What would you have done? You've clearly didn't read ANY articles at all. GPS where he "took off & left" to where this accident actually occured. You need to work on your researching skills.

Who ever wrote this comment, the facts are that the boy was found to have marijuana on him and a blood alcohol content of .04 which at the age of 18 is illegal. He was and is a punk ass killer of an innocent man.

Death penalty? Really? Kinda harsh, don't ya think? I actually knew the victim and the driver! Devin is a good kid....clearly this was an accident, I'm not saying he should get off because Rickey is gone, but death penalty?!?! And please get your facts straight, alcohol was no factor in this ACCIDENT

I personally knew the man who was killed and this is such a tragedy to say the least. My thoughts and prayers go out to Rickys' family and loved ones. The teen was drinking! He was coming home from a party- at 7am!!!!!! Where are the teens parents??? Why is this teen allowed to be out all night and driving after being at a party where there is obvious under aged drinking. This teen is responsible and will have to live with the fact that he murdered a man but his parents are just as responsible for this tragedy as well! Get involved with your kids people! Start PARENTING and stop trying to be their friends! Don't have kids if you aren't prepared for the extreme amount of effort it takes to raise a decent human being!!!! Sorry if this seems harsh- I am entitled to my opinion. Thank you R.I.P. Ricky

I too knew Ricky. It breaks my heart that such a carless decision has taken his life. My thoughts go out to his family. Yes the boy should face I hope serious charges. Living with what he did will be hard but he needs to be held accountable for his stupid action especially that he got out of his car then left.

where does it say the teen was drinking & what does parenting have to do with the situation?

Oh , my info is correct!!!! Parenting has ALOT to do with it!!!! Get your STORY. Straight!!!! Their punks because all they give a shit about today is drinking, drugs, texting, sex, and dont care about someone elses life!!!! When something like this happens!!!!

Here is Devans Facebook pic - https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1044210_677722298910839_801288494_n.jpg?oh=d8d6c9d949d284808f2eaf4b8bde4f55&oe=546A6C13 Here is Deavans VINE [smoking crack] page - http://vinebox.co/u/wipjkU3DIx1 Sad but true, Rickys convistions - 09/19/2012 Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita, III announced that 45 year old Rickey J. Mullar a/k/a Ricky J. Mullar of 1088 Losson Road, Cheektowaga, will be arraigned at 9:30 this morning before Supreme Court Justice Christopher Burns on an indictment charging him with two counts of Feloniously Driving While Intoxicated, Unlawful Use of a Mobile Telephone and Speeding. It is alleged that on July 25, 2012 on Transit Road and Zurbrick Avenue in the Village of Depew, Mullar was driving while intoxicated with a BAC of .12%, speeding and driving while talking on a mobile phone. As alleged in the Special Information, Mullar has two prior convictions for Felony Driving While Intoxicated. If convicted of these crimes Mullar faces a maximum prison sentence of 2-1/3 to 7 years.

News 4 has learned on May 28, Scagnelli was charged at Sunset Bay with underage possession of alcohol, having an open container and littering. He later pleaded guilty to disposing of the container.

kid should be punished to fullest extent HE WAS caught at sunset beach open contianer and charged with litering instead that he pleaded guilty to continued to party with friends over nite took friends home in morning with some one eles car who was in passenger seat when accident occurred owner of mustang was also arrested weeks prior for dwi!!! understand shit happens but should have never been behind wheel on top of all this devin knew ricky and even after hitting him got out of car and walked over to ricky and turned around and ran like a coward from the scene to leave an innocent man that he knew/// to die instead of calling someone cAUse an accident had occured if devin dint have anything or nothing to hide he would have never left the scene after walking over to ricky for which devin knew and called police./// he deserve s everything he gets //// LESSON LEARNED ///

I personally believe an eye for eye, leave him for dead like he did to rick, that kid i feel should recieve a slow death penalty left to rot haunted by the choices he made!

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