Other Type of Accident

While car accidents are most common, people are injured and killed in many other accidents as well

When we think of injuries and deaths from accidents, most people immediately think of car crashes. While auto accidents are certainly the most common, here at Accident Data Center we hear about a myriad other types of collisions that result in serious or fatal injuries.

ATV Accidents:

An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) also known as a quad, quad bike, three-wheeler, or four-wheeler, is defined by the American National Standards Institute(link is external) (ANSI) as a vehicle that travels on low-pressure tires, with a seat that is straddled by the operator, along with handlebars for steering control. This type of vehicle is not street-legal within most states in the US.

UTV Crashes:

UTVs differ from ATVs in that UTVs typically have a side-by-side seating arrangement, many have seat belts and roll over protection, and most have a cargo box at the rear of the vehicle. The UTVs generally have a higher payload capability and are longer and wider than ATVs.

Snowmobile Accidents:

While snowmobiles were initially developed to move people and supplies in snow conditions, they have become a popular winter sport. Since modern snowmobiles can weigh 600 pounds or more and reach speeds exceeding 90 mph, accidents can have catastrophic consequences. Excess speed, alcohol, driver inexperience, and poor judgment are the leading causes of accidents.

Skateboard Incidents:

Skateboarding was developed in the 1970’s and today have become a favorite mode of recreation and transportation for young people. It has also become a major source of injury and death from accidents and collisions with motor vehicles. According to the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies(link is external), an estimated 43,000 skateboarding injuries occurred on streets in 2013, and of these, approximately 13% involved crashes with motor vehicles. Most fatalities appear to occur on streets and approximately half are transportation related. 

Skiing/Snowboarding Crashes:

While skiing and snowboarding have a good safety record compared to other sporting activities, serious and fatal accidents do occur. According to the National Ski Areas Association(link is external) (NSAA), about 41.5 people have died skiing/snowboarding per year on average. During the 2011/12 season, 54 fatalities occurred out of the 51.0 million skier/snowboarder days reported for the season. Thirty-nine of the fatalities were skiers and 12 of the fatalities were snowboarders. Serious injuries occur at the rate of about 44.7 per year. During the 2011/12 season, there were 38 serious injuries occurred with skiers and 10 with snowboarders. 

Are these types of accidents eligible for insurance claims?

This is a question that needs to be answered by a personal injury attorney. The circumstances of an accident, the location and people involved, will all determine if an injured person, or the family left behind when someone is killed, have any options for financial compensation. Reach out to an experienced injury attorney to learn more about your rights and options after an accident.

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