Motorcyclist sues Carolina Cargo Company after being involved in an accident at an intersection in Salinas, California, winning $536,000
Accident Type:
Motorcycle AccidentIncident Date:
Thursday, July 13, 2006Result Date:
Thursday, April 15, 2010Monetary Result:
On July 13, 2006, Michael Hull, a 56-year-old general contractor, was stopped on his motorcycle at an intersection in Salinas, California, when he was involved in a collision with an SUV driven by Maria Ramirez and a tractor-trailer owned by Carolina Cargo, Inc. of Rock Hill, South Carolina. Hull suffered torn rotator cuffs in both of his shoulders, requiring two surgeries to repar. He claimed that his injuries left him permanently unable to raise his dominant right arm above his shoulder, and that because of this, he will be unable to return to his job as a contractor.
Hull decided to sue Carolina Cargo, its owner Regina Wood, and Maria Ramirez. He and his lawyers claimed that the truck cut the corner while making a turn, striking a van stopped in front of his motorcycle and dragging Ramirez's SUV backwards, knocking him off of his motorcycle.
Ramirez was dismissed from the trial by Hull and his lawyers before the trial. Carolina Cargo and Wood, however, argued that the truck never left its lane of travel. They also argued that Hull would be able to recover from his injury and that he would be able to return to his work in the future.
In the end, the jury sided with Hull and his lawyers. He was awarded $536,000 for his medical expenses and lost wages.
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