Great Falls, MT - Accident News and Resources including car, bicycle, motorcycle and truck accidents and much more.
When someone is injured in an accident in Great Falls, it is important to gather information about what happens next.
Being injured in a serious accident is always a shocking and scary experience, and dealing with the aftermath is exhausting and stressful. Accident victims are forced to deal with hospitalization, medical treatments, missed work, and lost income, often while trying to manage pain and disability from their injuries. And then the insurance adjusters start circling. Find out more about accidents and what issues an injured person needs to be aware of by going to this link.
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Accident reports by county
Most recent accident reports
Saturday, September 19, 2015City:
Box Elder, MT
Type: Car Accident
Type: Car Accident
Three teenagers were killed and a fourth injured in a rollover accident on U.S.
What every family needs to know about wrongful death claims:
Type: Car Accident
Tuesday, June 23, 2015City:
Great Falls, MT
Type: Other Type of Accident
Type: Car Accident
A 46-year-old Harlem man was driving on U.S. Highway 87 at about 3 p.m. when the car drifted off the side of the road. The driver overcorrected, causing the car to drive off of the road and roll over.
Type: Car Accident
The Montana Highway Patrol says the 46-year-old Harlem man was driving south on U.S. Highway 87 at about 3 p.m. Sunday when his car drifted off the left side of the road.
Type: Car Accident
A senior at Fairfield High School died Tuesday morning in a Teton County crash that happened about 8 a.m. on First Road NE north of Fairfield. It was a two-vehicle collision at an intersection.
A 35-year-old driver from Cut Bank, MT has been hospitalized and a 38-year-old passenger from Browning, MT has been killed in rollover accident on Highway 213 in Glacier County, north of Cut Bank, Montana.
Type: Car Accident
John Joseph Maliszewski, of Ipswich, Massachusetts, owned the helicopter and was the only person aboard it at the time of the crash. His level of skill in piloting is unknown at this time. The accident is under investigation.
Sunday, September 21, 2014City:
Cascade, MT
Type: Aircraft Accident
Helicopter AccidentThe pilot, Wilsey, turned the airplane toward the valley before it struck the trees and crashed. An intense fire broke out on the craft, killing Susan Majerus, and injuring the three other people aboard.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014City:
Great Falls, MT
Type: Aircraft Accident
FireToney John Couch, who was not wearing a helmet at the time of the crash, was reportedly from Cut Bank. The crash is being investigated. Speed was not a factor in the crash, but the Montana Highway Patrol does not yet know if alcohol played a role.
Type: Motorcycle Accident