Houston Car Accident Lawyer

Have You Been In A Car Accident in Houston?

Houston car accidents are a leading cause of serious injuries and deaths. When someone is the victim of a car collision, many things need to happen at once. Injured people need to get both immediate and longer-term medical care to heal from injuries, need to deal with damaged vehicles, and need to handle the insurance claim process. When injuries and damages are fairly minor, it is possible to handle your own insurance claim. But when injuries are serious, or a fatality happens, experienced legal help is necessary, to inform you of your options and make sure your rights are upheld.

How common are serious Houston car accidents?

In 2013, according to the Texas Department of Transportation almost 3,000 people died from injuries in Texas car accidents, and more than 200,000 people survived their injuries. The estimated economic loss as a result of these auto accidents is $25,700,000,000.
Based on reportable crashes in 2013:

  • 1 person was killed every 2 hours 36 minutes.
  • 1 person was injured every 2 minutes 16 seconds.
  • 1 reportable crash occurred every 71 seconds.
  • The leading cause of death from age 4 through 33 is an automobile accident.

In 2010, over 1000 people were killed as a result of auto accidents in which the driver was under the influence of alcohol. This means that 35.6% of those killed in auto accidents lost their lives as a result of drunk driving.

If you have suffered a personal injury or property damage as a result of an accident, you need to protect your rights immediately.

What needs to happen first after a Houston car accident?

After a serious Houston injury accident, of course the first step is to get appropriate medical care for those involved. It is also important to do the following immediately:

  • Do not sign any document unless it's for the police or your insurance agent.
  • Make immediate notes about the accident, including specific damages to all vehicles involved, witness information, etc. 
  • If the name on an auto registration is different than the driver, jot down the relationship. 
  • Be polite, but don't tell anyone the accident was your fault, even if you think it was. 
  • State only the facts, and limit your discussion of the accident to the police and your insurance agent. 
  • If possible, don't leave the accident scene before the police and other drivers do.

How do you know if you need legal help after a Houston car accident?

Every accident and injury is different. What at first can seem to be a fairly minor injury can quicky change into a serious medical situation, or can result in long-term disability and high medical bills. To know if you need legal help, or if you have a valid personal injury claim, it is crucial to contact an experienced Houston car accident lawyer. You will have a no-cost initial consultation to obtain relevant information and explore the strengths and challenges of your potential claim. Then, you will have a good understanding of your legal situation, and what needs to happen next. 

An experienced Houston car accident lawyer is ready to help you

If you have suffered injury or property damage because of a car accident, contacting D. Miller Law as soon as possible for your free evaluation. We can help you with your insurance claim and any legal issues you have. We will handle your case aggressively, and you pay absolutely nothing unless we reach a successful settlement or verdict. Finding the right accident lawyer is the most important step to getting full compensation.

You can call us at (713) 714-4081 or contact us through the form on this page.

Do not delay if you have been involved in an accident. There may be a time limit to file your claim and you do not need to face the insurance adjusters alone. Let our experienced team work for your behalf. Please call or fill out the form on this page to begin the healing process.

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