Complete Washington accident reports and news.
When someone is injured in an accident in Washington, it is important to gather information about what happens next.
Being injured in a serious accident is always a shocking and scary experience, and dealing with the aftermath is exhausting and stressful. Accident victims are forced to deal with hospitalization, medical treatments, missed work, and lost income, often while trying to manage pain and disability from their injuries. And then the insurance adjusters start circling. Find out more about accidents and what issues an injured person needs to be aware of by going to this link.
Target Zero - Washington State Strategic Highway Safety Plan 2013
Accident reports by area
Legal and Other Resources and Information
Washington State Patrol Collision Reports
Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN)
Most recent accident reports
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Portland, OR
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
The 17-year-old driver of a car involved in a fatal crash in Tacoma has been charged with vehicular homicide. The Pierce County prosecutor filed the charge Monday against Eduardo Francisco Francisco-Andres in juvenile court.
Portland, OR
The male driver of the GMC, who was alone in the vehicle, was pronounced dead at the scene by rescue personnel.The things that you need to know about an accident with a drunk driver
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
5 ways to help the survivor of a pedestrian accident
Portland, OR
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
What money damages are recoverable in a death claim?
Portland, OR
Things to do immediately after a serious accident
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
A sticky situation on Interstate 5 clogged the freeway for hours after a semitruck dumped 20,000 gallons of a glue-like substance on I-5 north of Federal Way.
Spokane, WA
5 things to do immediately after a serious accident