Eliselda Martinez, 22, and Allison Gallegos, 23, dead and another injured in early morning wrong-way crash on 610 North Loop in Houston, Texas; Tucker Raphe Sims, 31, charged with intoxication manslaughter and assault

Modified Date: 
Sat, 09/09/2017 - 7:57pm
Accident Date: 
Monday, January 12, 2015

2 women die in wrong-way crash in Houston

Two women died after a wrong-way driver on a Houston interstate slammed into the car in which they were riding.

2 dead after wrong-way crash involving suspected drunken driver

Houston police said two other vehicles were able to swerve and avoid hitting the wrong-way driver. Officers warn that drivers need to stay alert when driving in the early morning hours.

Two women killed in wrong-way crash on North Loop

"All crashes that involve wrong-way drivers, speed is compounded by two vehicles traveling at each other," said Sgt. J.R. Roberts. "It's worse than running into a brick wall.

Man charged in wrong-way crash that killed 2 women on North Loop Freeway

Sims' past criminal history includes arrest and/ or convictions for theft by check, injury to a child under 15, assault of a family member/ bodily injury, interference with emergency telephone, criminal mischief and possession of marijuana.

Two wrong-way crashes in two days in Houston

"You just have to pay attention," Abad said. "You're not expecting that incoming traffic. But if you see those lights, do your best to try to avoid them. These people are usually intoxicated. They don't realize they're going the wrong way."

Three woman were in a car headed east on the 610 North Loop around 2:30 a.m. Monday when a suspected drunken driver was driving his Ford sedan west in the eastbound lanes. The wrong-way driver collided with the womens' vehicle head-on, killing two passengers, Eliselda Martinez, 22, and Allison Gallegos, and injuring the driver. The alleged drunk driver, Tucker Raphe Sims, 31, is charged with two counts of intoxication manslaughter and one count of intoxication assault. Sims sustained minor injuries. We'll update this story as more information becomes available.

Type: Car Accident
People Involved: 
Eliselda Carmela Martinez
Allison Marie Gallegos
Tucker Raphe Sims
Interstate 610


2 great pepole Allison was a great person with great personality was nice to everyone had plenty of friends and she will be truly missed condelences to her family to both of there families her sister amber Gallegos which i had her in my social studies class back in high school sorry for the lost prayers and condolences to both families god knows why this happend!!!!!!

I've known Tucker Sims my whole life, since elementary school. He always been a drunk and a drug addict, my condolences to the families of the young girls that lost their lifes, because of the wrong mistake he made. He was a bully in schoolhis while life, and was very good at nesting up his own friends. I hope he gets the fullest punishment for his crime.

I've known Tucker just as long and everyone makes mistakes. It's unfortunate that he didn't learn from previous mistakes but saying something like that isn't really beneficial.

I known Tucker my whole life and he was actually doing good for himself these past days. My condolences go out to the other families. Nobody's perfect keep your head up Tucker.

He's taken everything two young ladies had or ever could have had; their family will suffer for the rest of their lives and you are sticking up for him?? Where is your sense of right and wrong? This loser needs to be in a cage for life, he should keep his head down in shame.

I shared 12 years of my life with Tucker,we have four children together. For all of you who have "known" him your whole life's are full of it. Tucker may have a past like we all do but one thing for sure is that he is a great,loving father of four who would do anything for our children and family. Please don't judge the father of my kids for an accident that was unintentional, every one makes mistakes! My prayers and condolences to the families who lost their life's as well as my family who is suffering too. Tucker will always have my love and support be cause I know the person he is not hear say. 

Every drunk driver is full of shit ..only think about themselves and no one else!!!! A great loving father wouldn't drive drunk ..sorry but his kids would come first why run the risk of driving drunk killing someone or ending up in jail just saying ...I'm not perfect but before I do anything I always think of my kids first ..A person like him shouldn't be allowed in the streets and good luck trying to explain to your kids how his daddy killed 2 innocent girls ...

If you don't know the facts keep your comment to yourself and don't worry about our kids their dad loves them! I have no shame to say my full name I'm not a coward "Salazar"....

Well nobody really cares what your name is or if you have no shame of whatever but thanks to your sweet, loving, fatherly husband of your he has screwed up these girls lives. Most importantly their families and thanks to his drunk ass he killed to innocent lives. Now imagine yourself in that car with your kids. If that would have been you and your kids believe me you would feel the same anger and disgust towards the person that did that shit to you. Defending a drunk driver is no good because he's a grown man that wasn't responsible for his shit. Oh he has kids well then he should've thought about that before going in his vehicle while drunk. We are all responsibility of our screw ups and he screwed up bad. Now its time for him to do his punishment and I hope it takes him a while for doing something like this. I am sorry your children have to go through something like this but these families are going through far worse. You at least get to see him alive they don't. They will never see these girls smiles again.

I know the facts actually I knew the two girls who he killed. I'm sure he does , like I said good luck trying to explain their dad's actions & I said every drunk driver not just him .. My uncle died 19 years ago (drunk driving) years later his daughters still wonder why he didn't think about them first ...I know the guy who also killed 2 innocent people back in May & left 2 innocent girls without a mom or dad & my name Carmen Salazar..no shame and not a coward just stating my opinion & good luck I will continue to pray for both families ...

My prayers and  condolences to the families of the girls who lost their lifes,like i said our family is suffering too because i know the great,loving father he is. Like i said you do not know the facts just what the news said. There was no need for your comment "good luck trying to explain to our kids about their daddy killing two innocent woman". Don't need your luck,everything is in God's hands. I would've shared my name but I was blocked for some reason.God Bless!

Yes karina is right .. tucker is a great and loving father .. I have been in a relationship with him for almost a year ... all I have to say is he is a great father and very loving.

I've known Tucker since I was 7 years old. I'm 34 now & He's always been a stand up person. He is not a monster or would never hurt any woman... He's a great father & He's protected Me from bad situations... Accidents happen

but this was no accident....He all on his own got in a car DRUNK. Nobody MADE him. Then bc of his bad choice he KILLED 2 YOUNG GIRLS. 2 LIVES,GINE FOR EVER...what the he'll could be the true "facts". That he didn't have his glasses. NO there is no excuse for a DRUNK DRIVER! When u r DRUNK and get behind a vehicle, U become a weapon, to be discharged indiscriminantly...NO EXCUSES. And apparently he wasent loving, with that criminal record of ASSAULT on FAMILY MEMMBER and INJURY to a CHILD. But let me guess, we don't know the tri "FACTS"

LOL!! Y'all can check the shit he has done before this "accident" happened. This dude was a low life drunk and he will continue to be a low life. Also lol at y'all who got knocked up by this fool. It shows that y'all have a type ;D keep defending a person who will never change and who ruined the lives of not just one nor two, but many people. If he was so loving then why is it he kept going to jail for different shit? Then why didn't he come to y alls homes sober and early? Why didn't he come home to your children? I honestly feel bad for y'all who defend a person like this. I hope y'all can educate y'all kids to be better than their daddy because this type of shit will forever follow your lovely Tucker. Lol you obviously don't know any facts and if so turning a blind eye on the stuff he's done doesn't make you better.

I miss my amazing tia. I still have the gift you gave me for Christmas on my wall. It screams 2010's LOL. I was ten years old when I found out that I would never see her again. I was only ten... Too young to even grasp the concept of me losing someone I loved so much, I didn't believe it or even understand it. I'm now 19; turning 20 soon. I still think about her all the time, hopefully this will help me come to peace with my confusion and sadness. She's in gods hands and I feel her watching over me all the time. I know it. God would forgive him for his sins so I will also. There are days that I have anger and sadness, but I have to forgive. I love everyone, thank you. 

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