
Common issues are often factors in the cause and the injury levels in motor-vehicle crashes

While every accident is different and unique, there are many common issues and causes that affect the outcome of the crash. Here at Accident Data Center, we report on every kind of accident and we see the patterns that emerge. Many of the most common factors that cause a crash, and that affect how badly people are injured, are related to behaviors of the drivers and the passengers. Many collisions, injuries, and deaths could have been avoided if only these following behaviors are eradicated: Cell phone usage and texting: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every day in the United States, more than 9 people are killed and more than 1,153 people are injured in crashes that involve a distracted driver. One of the major sources of distraction are cell phones and texting. And according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a 2014 study found the risk of a crash or near crash was 17% higher when the driver was interacting with a cellphone. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that while drinking and driving behavior has fallen by 30% from 2007 to 2014, drugged driving behavior has risen in that same time period.  Alcohol-impaired motor vehicle crashes cost more than an estimated $37 billion annually. In 2012, more than 10,000 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. Car Seat Usage: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that car seat use reduces the risk for death to infants by 71% and to toddlers by 54% in passenger vehicles. However, of the children who died in a crash in 2011, 33% were not buckled properly into car seats.

All of these dangerous behaviors play a role in motor-vehicle crashes and the devastating toll they take

Below is a constantly updated list of recent crashes that involve these common issues. It seems clear that more public education needs to be done to inform drivers of these issues and to reduce the damage that results. Go here to read about other circumstances that often factor into motor-vehicle crashes. Anyone who has been injured in a collision with a driver who was distracted by a cell phone, who was texting, who was driving under the influence, or who didn't secure a child in a car seat, will likely need to get some good legal advice about insurance claims. An experienced injury attorney can help by launching and managing a claim that will begin the process of financial healing from the costs of a serious injury accident.
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