Complete Washington accident reports and news.

When someone is injured in an accident in Washington, it is important to gather information about what happens next.

Being injured in a serious accident is always a shocking and scary experience, and dealing with the aftermath is exhausting and stressful. Accident victims are forced to deal with hospitalization, medical treatments, missed work, and lost income, often while trying to manage pain and disability from their injuries. And then the insurance adjusters start circling. Find out more about accidents and what issues an injured person needs to be aware of by going to this link.

Target Zero - Washington State Strategic Highway Safety Plan 2013

Washington State Strategic Highway Safety Plan's goal - of zero deaths and serious injuries in 2030 - is about the "one"...the individual. It's about the Washington State Trooper struck by a truck. It's about the child who went through the front window of a car because she wasn't buckled in. It's about the recent high school graduate who left the road and hit a tree. It's about our colleagues, friends and family. How many of them are we okay with being killed or seriously injured in a crash? The answer is obvious: zero. So our goal, for every citizen the state of Washington, is zero.

Legal and Other Resources and Information

Seattle-Tacoma, WA

Whatcom County Superior Court(link is external)

Washington has 39 Superior Courts, one in each of Washington's 39 counties. Superior Courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction in Washington. A Superior Court may consider all civil and criminal matters occurring within a county's boundary. The Superior Court also has exclusive jurisdiction over civil matters in which the amount in controversy is more than $75,000, felony cases, estate and probate matters, family law cases(including divorces and child custody hearings), and juvenile proceedings. They act as a court of appeal for cases from the District and Municipal Courts.
Seattle-Tacoma, WA

Whatcom County Prosecuting Attorney(link is external)

The Prosecuting Attorney is an elected position,  partisan, 4-year term. Duties are established by state constitution and statutes. The mission of the office is to represent the interests of the State of  Washington in the prosecution of criminal actions occurring within Whatcom County; to  provide legal advice to County officials and employees; to represent and defend the County  in all civil actions in which the County is a party.
Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA

Walla Walla County Public Works Department(link is external)

The Walla Walla County Department of Public Works consists of a diverse staff of 59 engineers, surveyors, construction and GIS Specialists, equipment operators, road maintenance crews, mechanics and professional support staff operating across 1300 square miles in Southeast Washington. The Public Works Department is responsible for the planning, engineering, design, construction, operation and maintenance of approximately 1000 miles of county roadways, 200 bridges and over 5 miles of flood control channel. Department staff also coordinates new development transportation infrastructure design and construction, provides county-wide GIS support, and oversees the County stormwater management program.
Yakima-Pasco-Richland-Kennewick, WA

The Blue Mountain Action Council Pro Bono Program(link is external)

The Pro Bono Lawyer Referral Program is a public service provided through the Access to Justice Network that offers legal referrals to qualifying low-income residents of Walla Walla and Columbia Counties in Washington state. They are a service of Blue Mountain Action Council, a community action program located in Walla Walla, Washington.

Most recent accident reports

Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Accident Date: 
Sun, 01/13/2013

A King County Sheriff’s Deputy was among five people injured in a three-car crash near Orting. The crash happened about 5:30 p.m. at state Route 162 and 144th Street East. The injuries were non life-threatening. SR 162 was closed near the crash in both directions until about 9:30 p.m.

Everett-Bellingham WA
Accident Date: 
Wed, 01/09/2013

A seven-year-old boy has been airlifted to Harborview Medical Center after being struck by a bus Thursday. The boy was a passenger on the bus and got off at Lummi Shore Drive near Ferndale. The boy crossed the street in front of the bus as the driver pulled away.